- Stereo Microscopes
- Also referred to as a dissection microscope, stereo microscopes are used for the 3D viewing of large objects such as rocks, fossils and electronic parts. Stereo microscopes produce an erect image composed of two separate optical paths, with each eye receives a slightly different image which is then processed by the brain to give the perception similar to what one would experience with normal eyesight.
- A stereo microscope has a lower magnification (7X to 80X magnification) than a compound microscope (400X/1000X). However, the large field depth means more of the specimen in focus in 3D.
- Step or Zoom Magnification:
- There are two options for magnification on stereo microscopes: step magnification (pre-set increments) or zoom magnification (continuously magnify throughout the specified range).
- Tri-Illumination System:
- Top light: incident light (round or square shaped housing) is diagonally adjustable so that light shines directly onto the stage plate. Incident lighting is used for opaque specimens.
- Bottom light: transmitted light is used for translucent specimens.
- Lighting can be used individually or simultaneously for best results.
- LED:
- Cool light source with long life
- Choose a light cluster of mini LEDs (light panel) for bright soft and even lighting
- Supplementary Lenses with Diffraction Rating (simply screw them to the objective front lens mount):
- With power factors below 1 enlarge the field of view (reduce magnification) and achieve longer working distance
- With power factors above 1 increase the magnification to see finer details (smaller field of view, shorter working distance)
- Eyepieces:
- Zoom stereo eyepieces can be focused to allow the compensation of the observer’s visual defects
- High eye point eyepieces available for use with eyeglasses
- Eyepiece micrometers are available for measuring, counting or comparing. Look for them in accessories or related products for corresponding models